
Consulting is available for problem solving and problem prevention for engineering and manufacturing companies.

Are you facing any of these types of problems?

  • Problems are taking too long to solve, if they even get solved
  • You are facing a zombie army of problems—problems keep returning even after they have been supposedly eliminated
  • Customers are skeptical about problem solving outcomes because the problem solving documentation is weak
  • Employees don't know how to use quality tools like FMEA, Measurement System Analysis, Control Charting
  • New product launches are difficult for manufacturing and customers quickly report complaints

I provide customized services to build the capability of individuals, teams, and companies including

  • Direct coaching support for problem solving teams
  • Training individuals and teams in problem solving and continuous improvement methods
  • Developing custom training materials to satisfy a company's unique needs
  • Delivering Train-the-Trainer instruction to build a company's training self-sufficiency
  • Train and coach supervisors, managers, and leaders to understand and guide the use of quality and continuous improvement methods

Services can be provided in-person or online

Areas of expertise include Six Sigma methods, Shainin Red X problem solving, and Robust Engineering. Specific topics that I have experience practicing and teaching include Problem Definition, Process Mapping, Measurement System Analysis, Control Charting, Root Cause Analysis, Confirmation Testing, P-diagrams, function models, and more.

If you are interested in my services, you can use the Contact Form to get in touch or you can click on the microphone in the lower right corner and record a voice message to me.

I look forward to working with you.

Keith Fong